Connecting with Nature
Wrestle with a muskie on one of 70,000 fishable lakes in northwestern Ontario or go home with tales of the trophy-sized one that got away. Canoe at one with nature along 4,800 km of giant red and white-pine scented miles of waterways in Quetico Park alone within the vast expanse of uninhabited horizon. Hunt, camp or hike. In winter ice fish or make tracks in “one of the world’s most impressive snowmobile destinations” (Mark Lester, Supertrax International). Stay at a wilderness lodge where buddies, a business meeting, families, or a honeymoon can de-connect from our concrete urbanity to reconnect with each other, our inner peace, and refreshed perspective.
Ahhh – to connect with nature. The remote lake. The haunting call of the loon. Sweeping through the early morning mist to catch fish for the morning hot buttered fish fry. Celebrate your success lighting a fire with wet wood. Hang the pants on a stick over the fire to dry. Smell that crackling bacon. Wrap the bannock on the stick to cook. Smell the air of a forest deeply alive….senses deeply alive. And we’re only at the a.m. campfire stage of connecting with nature to reconnect with ourselves.
Will Ferrell once tweeted “there’s a new social media network for kids – it’s called the outside.” The great outdoors is quintessentially Canadian….it lies at the soul of who we are as a country. Get back to your roots in northwestern Ontario.
Use Fort Frances as a border gateway and service hub for your life-altering experiences to come.